HSF-India Website Sitemap
Documentation pages:
- Acknowledging HSF-India in publications
- Adding a news item to the website
- Adding a publication to the website
- Developing the HSF-India website
- Information for new HSF-India collaborators
- Information for onboarding new HSF-India Trainees/Fellows
- Information to add or update trainees/fellows
- Last Modified Material
- NSF PAR listing
- Reimbursement for travel sponsored by HSF-India
- Website design
HSF-India Fellow pages:
Focus Area pages:
Other pages:
- 404 Not Found
- Adam Zacharia Anil - Correlation Function Analysis
- Ananya Gupta - HSF India Trainee
- Chitrakshee Yede - HSF India Trainee
- Code of Conduct
- Collaborating Networks
- Collaborating Universities and Institutes
- Computer Science Synergies/Interests
- Contact Information
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Documentation pages for the HSF-India team
- Durbar Chakraborty - HSF India Trainee
- General Cultural and Practial Information about CERN, France and Switzerland
- General Cultural and Practial Information about India
- General Cultural and Practial Information about the US
- General Travel Information about India
- General Travel Information about the US
- Glossary of terms and acronyms used by High Energy Physics Software and Computing
- HSF-India Collaborators
- HSF-India Collaborators
- HSF-India Events
- HSF-India Former Fellows
- HSF-India Topical Meetings
- HSF-India Videos
- Information for HSF-India Collaborators
- Information on travel to BNL
- Information on travel to CERN
- Information on travel to FNAL
- Information on travel to Kolkata
- Information on travel to Mumbai
- Information on travel to New Delhi
- Information on travel to Oregon State University
- Information on travel to Princeton University
- Information on travel to Pune
- Information on travel to U.Massachusetts-Amherst
- IRIS-HEP Fellow projects
- Juhi Poddar - Analysis Infrastructure
- Map of Mumbai
- Media, Press Releases and Press Mentions
- News, Featured Stories and Links
- Overview
- PI Team
- Podem Sai Krishna - Particle Identification
- Prayag Yadav - COFFEA FCC schema and examples
- Presentations by Institution
- Presentations by Month
- Presentations by Person
- Project database
- Publications
- Research Software Collaborations in Physics
- Research Software Exchanges
- Research Software Trainees and Fellowships
- Research Software Trainees and Fellowships Program
- Sanjeev Kumar - Advancing Trigger Efficiency
- Sitemap
- Test Page
- Useful Links
- Vipul Cariappa - HSF India Trainee
- Aligarh Muslim University
- Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)
- Davidson College
- Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL)
- Instituto de FĂsica Corpuscular (IFIC), University of Valencia
- IISER Kolkata
- IISER Pune
- IIT Bombay
- Jefferson Lab (JLab)
- University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- NISER, Bhubaneshwar
- Oregon State University
- Panjab University
- Princeton University
- Rice University
- Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
- SLAC National Laboratory
- S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
- Technical University Munich
- University of Delhi
- University of Hyderabad
- University of Massachusetts Amherst
- University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez (UPRM)
- Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC)
- University of Washington
- University of Wisconsin
- ALICE Experiment
- ATLAS Experiment
- CMS Experiment
- System Programming and Compiler Research
- Dark-matter And Neutrino Computation Explored (DANCE)
- DUNE Experiment
- HEP Software Foundation (HSF)
- India CMS Network
- India DUNE Network
- India EIC Network
- Institute for Research and Innovation in High Energy Physics (IRIS-HEP)
- LHCb Experiment
- US-ATLAS Collaboration
- US-CMS Collaboration
- Amitabha Lahiri
- Arantza Oyanguren Campos
- Arun Kumar
- Brij Kishor Jashal
- Charis Kleio Koraka
- David Lange
- Sudhir Malik
- Bhawna Gomber
- Gordon Watts
- Benedikt Hegner
- Henry Schreiner
- Ianna Osborne
- Jim Pivarski
- Kajari Mazumdar
- Kevin Pedro
- Lukas Heinrich
- Michael Kagan
- Michelle Kuchera
- Nishita Desai
- Peter Elmer
- Pratik Majumdar
- Prolay Mal
- Rafael Coelho Lopes de Sa
- Sadhana Dash
- Heidi Schellman
- Seema Sharma
- Sourabh Dube
- Graeme A Stewart
- Subir Sarkar
- Suchandra Dutta
- S.K. Noor Alam
- Tulika Bose
- Christopher Tunnell
- Varun Sharma
- Vikas Singhal
- Verena Martinez Outschoorn
- Vassil Vassilev