Sudhir Malik
University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez (UPRM)
Sudhir Malik is a Professor of Physics at UPRM. Malik is appointed as a member of the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (2022-2025) to DOE and NSF. Malik is also elected as the U.S. CMS Collaboration Board Deputy Chair (2022-2024) and chairs the U.S. CMS Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Committee. In 2020 Malik served on SESAPS Pegram Award Committee. Malik co-led two Snowmass21 Community Engagement Frontier Working Groups, namely, Physics Education and Career Pipeline & Development.
Malik has played several leadership roles in the CMS experiment. Malik played key role in construction of the very first CMS Pixel detector(2005-2008) and established several training programs (2008 onwards) in CMS including Data Analysis, Physics Objects and Upgrade Schools training over 4000 thousand physicists. Malik played a major role (2008-2014) in establishing the Fermilab LPC center as the hub of educational workshops. Malik served as Level-2 co-Manager for CMS Physics Support in Offline and Computing (2016- 2022) group. Malik serves as co-chair of the CMS Schools Committee (2014-present). In 2013, Malik co-setup the CMS Career Committee that actively organizes industry job career sessions with CMS alumni for early careers. It has evolved into CERN wide events supported by a networking portal. Malik is the training coordinator for IRIS-HEP (2018-2023) and co-convenor HSF (2018-2022) training group. Malik is actively engaged in HEP outreach Quarknet program. Malik has established career paths for several physics, computer science and engineering Undergrad and Master students at UPRM and actively engages with K-12 students and teachers in Puerto Rico in STEM activities. Malik serves as a member of the Strategic Planning Committee of UPRM.